4 Games That Help Children Play And Learn

When Einstein was four or five years old and stuck in bed with a childhood illness, his father handed him a magnetic pocket compass to play. He spent hours twisting the compass and wondered how the needle always pointed towards the north.

Best CBSE School in Vadodara

Next, we all know how grandly he is remembered now!

A play is more beneficial to children than we can even imagine. Parents in India haven't still realised the importance of games. The top international schools and CBSE schools in India are taking steps to beware parents about its benefits but there's still a long way to go.

We, as one of the best CBSE schools in Baroda, consider it our duty to bring forward 4 activities that can help children learn and play collaboratively.

1. Sand:
  • Sand play is a fantastic opportunity to lay the foundations of scientific learning and developing self-confidence and physical development.
  • Children learn how things work while scooping, digging, pouring and sifting through the sand. It also helps children in building their muscles and coordination.
  • Let them play with a friend, and it enhances teamwork, sharing, and social skills.
2. Water Play:
  • Similar to sand play, water play also lets children experiment in a safe environment with basic concepts such as volume. 
  • Water play is also good for learning the consequences of actions.
  • Your child's hand-eye coordination and physical strength will also improve.
3. Play Dough:
  • Play dough holds immense learning potential.
  • It strengthens the fingers for a lifetime of writing.
  • Besides this, children also learn fine motor skills, creativity, and hand-eye coordination.
  • Adding some beads to the dough or getting the children threading beads on to lengths of dried spaghetti can add extra play value.
4. Dress-Up and Role Play:
  • Let children's imaginations run wild. Let them loose with a bunch of dressing-up clothes and props such as toy doctor’s kits.
  • They will know how professionals work and may even develop an interest in becoming a doctor, vet, nurse, astronaut, chef or actor.
  • When children dress up, they begin to make sense of the adult world, roles, and interests, as well as boost social interaction.
  • Dressing-up helps to reinforce the aspects of self-dressing which is essential for primary school life.
St. Kabir Indian International School is considered the best CBSE school in Baroda. We aim to build a pool of talent and provide world-class academic as well as sports facilities to our students. We are also one of the best English medium schools in Baroda and produce students who come out in flying colours for a better future.
